One of the innovate urban planning features introduced in the Baroque period to the Medieval Civitas was the development of public squares. One such space was Archbishop's Square. The transformation of this square occurred under Grand Master Antonio Manoel de Vilhena who re-modelled much of Mdina during the 18th century. His vision was materialized by Charles Francois de Mondion, a Parisian architect who is considered to be the mastermind behind the holistic re-structuring of Mdina. The rectangular Archbishop's Square is emphasized by three prominent buildings and the side of the Cathedral, which incorporates a high-level screen that is pierced by a series of semi-circular headed arches. This square also includes the austere Bishop's palace built by Lorenzo Gafà in 1717 and the lavish façade of the Cathedral Museum which reflects the style of Southern French architecture.
For an architectural drawing of Archbishop Square click here.